Healthy food
Thai cuisine is healthy
Thai cuisine is healthy!
Thai cuisine is healthy!
Thai cuisine not only tastes great, it is also very healthy. It is one of the healthiest cuisines in the world! With its fresh and dried spices and herbs, Thai cuisine offers us a delicious opportunity to get the nutrients and disease-fighting potential we need for lifelong health and fitness.
Here are some health benefits of Thai food:
It strengthens the immune system. Well-known Thai ingredients such as turmeric, coriander, galangal and basil help fight inflammation and protect the body from damage caused by toxins and free radicals.
It helps ward off cold and flu viruses. An important ingredient in the well-known “Tom Yum Soup” is lemongrass. It helps against flu and colds. Lemongrass also helps against headaches and stomach cramps caused by such viruses. You can find more information about lemongrass here.
It's good for the heart. Chilli and coconut milk, which are standard ingredients in Thai cuisine, help keep the heart beating smoothly.
It helps one look and feel younger. Thai basil, coconut milk and the many vegetables used in cooking Thai dishes have anti-aging effects. From calming effects (such as Thai basil) to skin-conditioning effects of coconut milk and oil to anti-inflammatory ingredients such as turmeric (which also fights arthritis), Thai food offers much to help you look and feel younger.
It's good for sleep. Recent studies have proven that fresh or dried chilli, an important ingredient in Thai cuisine, helps you fall asleep and contributes to healthy sleep.
It is low in calories and fat and is therefore good for the figure. Most Thai dishes are prepared without much fat. The ingredients usually consist of lots of vegetables and low-fat meat or fish. Soy or fish sauce (instead of fat) ensure the right seasoning, among other things.
Lemon Grass - Lemongrass (Ta Khai)
Lemongrass is one of the most wondrous ingredients in Thai cuisine. That's why we have dedicated an entire page to this medicinal herb here. It is used in many Thai dishes and there is also Lemongrass drinks. For example, we offer our delicious and refreshing Lemon Grass Drink.
Lemongrass is known for its calming effects. It relieves stress and is good for healthy sleep. In addition, it offers many other health benefits. Scientific studies have proven that it has antibacterial and antifungal (against fungus) properties. Mixed with pepper, it is also a good remedy for menstrual cramps and nausea.
Lemongrass also has a cleansing effect. It detoxifies the liver, pancreas, kidney and gastrointestinal tract. While it reduces cholesterol, uric acid, excess fats and other toxins in the body, it has a stimulating effect on digestion, circulation, lactation and relieves gastrointestinal problems. It also helps to improve the skin by reducing acne and pimples. In addition, it also helps against high blood pressure and recent studies have now shown that it has a preventative effect against cancer.
Lemongrass – It tastes delicious and is very healthy for the body and mind.